Say goodbye to the locks and keys, passwords and access cards. Welcome fingers! Fingerprint Safe allows access control at the fingertips, which are detected by the system is safe - thanks to biometric technology! Biometric fingerprint scanner includes correspondence, iris, face with a hi-tech scanners. If the legitimate owner of his / her fingerprint scans, stores the digitized biometric reader a model that can be used to identify the owner and allow access in the future. ImprintSafes are highly recognized for their safety, as each fingerprint is almost a very special
Safes most fingerprints are provided controlled access to weapons, ammunition, jewelry and important documents used. All fingerprint safes generally have the following characteristics:
or store the fingerprints, and that access you can delete them.
or emergency or function of the door lock.
or use the power when the batteryare running out.
Saves or even more than 8-100 and authorized fingerprints.
Maintaining or authorized fingerprints at events such as power failure or battery drain
Fingerprint Safes eliminate time to write your passwords on a piece of paper, only to fall into the wrong hands or paper to lose. When the human memory fails, the touch of a finger, never again! Even the most user-friendly, safe fingerprint devices. And sinceFingerprints are unique to the individual, are certainly difficult to forge or replicate.
But like any technology, there are both optimistic and skeptical. Critics argue that the fingerprints certainly not Fort Knox! It can shape reality using a finger jam or jelly or reproduce a print left in a glass. And the how-do-sometimes the manuals are available through the observation of the paintings in the series "CSI." Some say they can not fingerprint safes really safe as the unauthorized removal ofFinger and you can access. Optimists argue that anti-spoofing technology that is easy to detect if the fingerprint will not be truncated or cloned.
There is also a section of people who have acquired over the privacy issues related to fingerprint safes, particularly in relation to the storage and handling of the original digitized biometric systems affected by these. If an unauthorized person is their hands, great harm can be done. One skeptic noted that the loss of aForged fingerprint or fingerprints have a higher risk than the loss of Social Security Number. Finally, the social security number has changed, but not one fingerprint.
The people to ask the support of biometric technology, dissent. Their argument is that the data are stored in the non-replicas of body parts, but complex algorithms to the unique characteristics of a person on the fingers, hands or face.
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